Monday, November 24, 2014

How Do You Recycle?

I’m not sure if any of you are familiar with the show “Deals”, hosted by Kat Cosley on Live Well Network (LWN); however, I enjoy watching that show and just last week, I had a revelation of virtuous women. Many of them were married and had anywhere from three to seven children. They were being filmed because these innovative (some were stay at home Moms) Mothers found ways to cut the cost of buying their children’s clothes and toys ~ so the money they did save, went towards food-----which they too had creative ways to save and fill up their freezers and refrigerators!
The website was established after a Mother realized her children were in onesies one minute and jeans and t-shirts the next. As a Mother, I truly can relate to that. Anyway, after viewing the website, I found out that those who want to join can only buy a sack of items twice and after that, they have to post clothes and toys of their own to swap. Another requirement is the toys and clothes being swapped are in very good condition: cleaned, folded and wrapped nicely in brown bags; and no broken or missing pieces on the toys. If any of you are questioning the validity of the website, click on to get more information.

“Wow”, I said. This is the 21st century version of hand me downs ~ with a twist!

Years ago, women had five to ten children in the home and would take good care of the clothes and toys; and hand them down to the younger children or family members who had children in that size. Whereas, they appreciated and valued the good will; so they would properly care for the items; and when finished, they would return them~ and the cycle would go on and on until the clothes became rags.

Everything was of use, because the rags still had life in them; the good pieces were used to make decorative quilts, more clothes, etc; whereas, landfills were few and far between!

Read "Mind Your Business" blog @ for the Virtuous Woman scripture~ or go to Proverbs 31:10-31 in your bible.

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