Thursday, March 12, 2015

I'm Alive!

I understand that growing old is inevitable; however, we don’t have to be old. My sister met a wonderful lady over 25 years ago who died in her 90’s; however, in her 70’s and 80’s she signed up for water aerobics, was still driving, until she wrecked her car ~ then she found out how to utilize the bus line in Atlanta, GA; and at least 4 days a week she had a social engagement to attend. She refused to live limited because of her age. She said, “I’m not dead yet! As long as God has given me breathe; I’m going to enjoy life”!

I know there is some correlation to being active and healthy, and again, a good balance of resting, exercising, socializing and daily reading the word will keep your body, mind, and spirit in “good” working condition so much ~ that you can’t tell if you are 50 years old or 80 years old.

This woman is 90 years old and still doing Yoga!

No we are not going to live forever, nor do we want to. Unforeseen things do happen, but if you are able to pursue good health do so! And you do want to live a quality life here on earth that is free of limitations to run the race Christ has set before you. So keep on running, walking, riding bikes, or yoga ~whatever exercise you enjoy~ so you are able to help others in need!

 “Now, as you see, from that time until now the Lord has kept me alive and well for all these forty-five years since crisscrossing the wilderness, and today I am eighty-five years old. I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent us on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then! Joshua 14:10,11 TLB

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