Friday, January 23, 2015


I know many of you are not familiar with the (1977-1987) sitcom, “The Love Boat”. (Smiling) Probably not! Well if any of you have cable and are at home, it comes on METV daily at 9:30 am. 

The episode, I just watched, depicted how a divorced couple’s young son’s intentions were to re-unite his parents.

Of course they were oblivious of each other being on the cruise; and when the two saw each other at the cocktail party, they were very cordial and even decided to enjoy each other’s company while they were on the cruise. They reminisced of their previous life, and even had a good laugh that it wasn’t a coincidence they were there ~ together.

It was just a breath of fresh air (even though this was on TV) to see divorced couples being mature, cordial and even communicating as adults should do. They even laughed about how their son loves them both so much as to go behind the scenes to plan this cruise (in hopes); they would fall in love again and re-marry. After all it was the “Love Boat”, cruise!

It brought back old memories of couples who were truly mature, did not argue, cuss, or fight in front of their children, and they knew how to be men and women, of conduct, no matter where they were at.

What does all of the arguing, fighting, cussing, hitting and destroying your home do, but cause hurt feelings, hurt and bruised people, a destroyed home, and even emotions that are skewed. Well my question to this chaos is did you accomplish anything?

So keep letting Satan (the thief) have his way in your home, your emotions and your marriage ~ once again:

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)”. John 10:10 AMP

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