Sunday, January 31, 2021

ONLY God creates!

 I heard something profound while watching Cesar Millan, “The Dog Whisperer”. He said to one of his clients that his Grandfather told him to never go against Mother Nature”. He went on to explain to the client what that meant to him. He understood it as God created dogs to be dogs, and humans try to humanize them. So in order to understand dogs, we have to understand their nature. 

The first thing that came to my mind is the World goes against God’s nature ALL the time. In nature, you can’t plant an apple tree and then decide you want oranges to grow from it! It doesn’t work that way! 

God created me to be of brown skin and woolly hair, just like Jesus; however , the world (which is Satan’s domain) doesn’t understand or know God’s Word enough to know He created humans in all shapes, sizes and color! So instead of realizing God created me or you (if you are reading this) to be brown, white, tan, reddish (which is Indian color) or in between. God knows who we are and how he created us, it is the world who defies anything God created and daily oppresses His creations; striving to oppress, and destroy it by their inability to realize the more they think they are ending a life, God plants millions more elsewhere. He is the God of the Universe, not just the God  of America! God is the ONLY one who creates! Satan can’t create, he only destroys! 

Genesis 1:27 AMPC 

27 So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Life can be a struggle and there are things in life that seem insurmountable; and years of struggle take a toll on you! If it wasn’t for God and His Word that daily reminds me of His power and how I can Trust him to fight my battles and be victorious; it would not be worth standing tall and knowing the battle is not mine; but the Lord’s! 

John 16:21-33AMPC 

21 A woman, when she gives birth to a child, has grief (anguish, agony) because her time has come. But when she has delivered the child, she no longer remembers her pain (trouble, anguish) because she is so glad that a man (a child, a human being) has been born into the world.

22 So for the present you are also in sorrow (in distress and depressed); but I will see you again and [then] your hearts will rejoice, and no one can take from you your joy (gladness, delight).

23 And when that time comes, you will ask nothing of Me [you will need to ask Me no questions]. I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that My Father will grant you whatever you ask in My Name [as presenting all that I Am].

24 Up to this time you have not asked a [single] thing in My Name [as presenting all that I Am]; but now ask and keep on asking and you will receive, so that your joy (gladness, delight) may be full and complete.

To be honest it does seem like birth pains living in a world full of hate, oppression, color barriers, shame, and guilt, or as Cesar Millan describes, “Going against Mother Nature” - ones natural being! 

However, we are to count it all joy!

James 1:2-4 NKJV 

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

You will look back and see how your trials brought you out better than you were before, and the legacy you left for those to also reap God’s goodness in many generations to come! 

What legacy would you want to leave for others who will come after you? 

Never give up or give in! 

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