Sunday, April 12, 2020


Happy Resurrection Day! 

As you all know, I usually have a story to share. As I was looking for an image to respond to my older Brothers' Happy Easter message, I should not have been appalled, but I was. There was very few, and I mean very few, that was of the true meaning of Easter. Most of the images were bunnies and colorful eggs with candy and goodies in baskets. WOW! 

IT IS FINISHED! ~ falls on deaf ears in our society today! We have a pandemic that in my lifetime I have never experienced; yet thousands have died and more who was diagnosed with the virus have survived. But still in this moment, I noticed in a Kroger ad two weeks ago, a large part of the ad was sales on liquor. My first question was, "Why is so much liquor
being advertised on sale?" Another confirmation of this, while I was listening on line to my Pastor Ron Bontrager of Lakeview Church, Indianapolis, Indiana today (April 12, 2020) during his sermon, he stated that the liquor stores sales are increasing. 

People are turning to drinking to ease the pain, instead of Jesus. Liquor has so many negative after effects, as well as drugs. It doesn't ease the pain or the heartache or the heart. It doesn't give you peace or restoration. Think about how destructive it is! You wake up with a hangover, mouth is dry, some get angry when they drink, others, are happy! Some drink to the point of a stupor that they do not know where they are at - or wake up and don't know how they got to the place they are in. I have drank a few times in my day and I did NOT like the after affects. I'm glad God took the taste out of my mouth. It clouds your thinking, and causes one to perform at doing things from a mind filled with deception and lust. None of this is who God is and How He wants us to be.

I don't feel we are listening. God can stop this, but our sins have told Him  we don't need you anymore. You see, sin separates us from God and puts up a barrier that divides us from Him getting to us (It's like turning your back to Him). His love is powerful; however, He does not force His Love on us; it's a choice! Now is the time to get it right and lean on a Savior who  "GIVES" us life, not take it away! I know I don't want to go through life in fear, isolated, losing our jobs, loved ones, and our peace from a sinful world. We are all going to die, but to know we will be in Paradise is worth it! Not knowing is frightening! Choose Life today, Choose Jesus and then you will understand the true meaning of His Resurrection.

It's Easter, a time of celebration of Victory at the Cross. Because He Lives, we have victory over death (sin)! 

John 15:12-14 AMPC 
12 This is My commandment: that you love one another [just] as I have loved you.
13 No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends.
14 You are My friends if you keep on doing the things which I command you to do. This is My commandment: that you love one another [just] as I have loved you.

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