Sunday, April 2, 2017

Try Me, Put me to the Test!

In the previous verse (v 9) of I Chronicles 4, Jabez's Mother gave him this name because she birthed him in pain; which translates “sorrow maker”! However, Jabez was the only one among his brothers who was honorable. Now honorable has many synonyms; but the proper word to use is "righteous" because Christians are familiar with its meaning.
Jabez did not want to carry the burden his name meant throughout his life; so he went to God in prayer that His blessings be upon him ~ and God responded with a “yes”! There is nothing more powerful than God's blessings that are placed upon those who love Him. God already loves all of us unconditionally; but to love Him, is to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, love the unloving, shelter the homeless, and daily seek God for guidance and direction to set out daily to love the way He loves, give without wanting anything in return, and pray in all circumstances without ceasing! God hears our prayers and will grant our request! Righteous living is to be in right standing with God!

To be blessed by God is to be protected, in good health, and favor in all that we encounter and do!

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