Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Maintain or Gain!

Roughly about 5 years ago, I was diagnosed with Graves disease. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a severely overactive or under-active thyroid (I had overactive; which decreases your weight); that if not detected and treated can cause death. The thyroid hormone, as small as it is, has many functions to keep your body working properly. One of them is our metabolism.

Me and my son in 2009. I was 141 lbs.

After extensive years and months of working out, eating properly (which is a lifestyle change), and reaping the benefits, my thyroid came into existence just when I was at a comfortable weight, and happily maintained it for at least 3 years.

Over a 3 year period, (sounds familiar, but I lost it in 3 years and maintained it for an additional 3 years) with some obstacles along the way, I went from 178 lbs. to 141 lbs. Sounds easy enough, but it wasn't. My first year of losing weight, I lost 15 lbs. and maintained that weight for over a year, until I completed school. The second year, I lost 10 lbs. and kept that off, in addition to the 15 lbs., so within two years I lost a total of 25 lbs. That left me with 11 lbs. to my goal weight. So I increased my exercises, and practically starved myself, until I ask God what foods would be good for my body. Once I received that information, I gladly began cooking and eating the foods God chose for me. Little did I know, that everything God instructed me to eat was healthy for my thyroid also. On the list was spinach, fresh fish, almonds, fresh peaches, mango, grapes, apricots and eggs. There's more, but you get the idea. I didn't know I was already eating the foods beneficial for my thyroid, ; until I researched Graves disease! Yes, God is "All Knowing"! 

                                                                         Me currently, with my daughter, 2 of my 
                                                                                   Grandchildren and Son-in-law

Now to continue where I left off, the exercise increased as well. I went from walking a mile to speed walking 3 miles, running up and down the bleachers at a local high school track, and getting up at 5:30 am, 5 days a week to do aerobics on the exercise channel. The combination of the three, allowed me to look and feel better; and establish tremendous health. My health is still currently good; which I give God all the credit!

Well, over two years ago, I had a setback on jobs and my thyroid. I was eating and working out the same, but my weight kept increasing; my overactive thyroid, became severely under-active ~ a decrease in my metabolism. Within 7 months, my weight increased from 141 lbs. up to 171 lbs. Yes, I was devastated. I had gained 30 lbs. that quick! Who knew that could happen ~ I'm going to say, I didn't!

Being unemployed did not help my situation any either. I had no insurance and very little income to purchase my thyroid pills. Thanks to President Obama, I was able to qualify for H.I.P. After the doctor's visits, he reprimanded me and said; "Never let your weight get that high again, because it is hard to lose".  I had, again, two obstacles, no insurance, and unemployed. I didn't let that deter me though, because I know, it is next to impossible with me, but with God NOTHING is impossible. So I ask God to help me.

Recently, I posted a 2017 New Year's resolution blog, It is below: 

Do you have a New Year's Resolution? Here are a few I have heard for years:
I am going to start exercising and lose weight.
I am going to spend less and save more.
I am going get my house in order and keep it that way.
It's good to have goals and aspirations; however, none of us stick to them.
Try this:
God help me to lose weight, because I cannot do it alone!
God help me to be smart with money to have a balance of spending, saving, and giving.
God help me to have the spirit of organization, not just in my home, but in my thoughts, so I can have peace!
Now if you tried it in your strength, it's time to let God take over and give you His strength to succeed!
"We have not because we ask not" (James 4:2 TLB)

Now, after writing this and struggling with my yo-yo weight, I practiced what I preached. God heard my request, but He had me do something that puzzled me a bit. God had me adjust when I take my thyroid pills. I had been taking them, since I started my medication, in the mornings when I get up; which is anywhere from 5 am to 6 am. It didn't make sense to me, but I jumped on board. Thyroid pills are to be taken 4 hours after a meal, or on an empty stomach when you wake up. It makes more sense to take them in the morning, because most people sleep anywhere from 6 to 8 hours! Nope, God requested I take my Thyroid pill at 9 pm daily. That meant, I had to quit eating after 5 pm and could not eat again, until 10 pm ~ 4 hours after eating, and I can eat one hour after I take the pill.

This is me 6 yrs. ago, my 50th birthday party with my Sister and daughter

After God re-directed the time and hour I take my thyroid pill, nothing more was said. The first night I stopped eating for 4 hours, I caught myself reaching for the red hots, or a bag of chips, or a slice of cheese and crackers. I'm not going to mention anything else; because if you haven't caught wind of my sloppy eating habits, you will soon.

God, first, had to show me where my extra weight was coming from, what I was doing wrong, and teach me to drink more water, juices and herbal tea, than I was. It took me 3 weeks to get it, but I did not give in or give up. It was the best way for me to notice my poor eating habits; and not to put the total blame on my thyroid! I'm so glad He did this, because there is no excuse in losing weight! It just takes the will to want to and be determined!
It took some adjusting, but I'm there! Now the exercising. No, exercising does not give me grief. I am looking forward to doing it; because I have reaped the benefits before. I'm not sure what my weight is now, but I will guess, I have lost approximately 3 lbs. in 3 weeks. Not bad!
Keep in mind, we are all different. What works for me, might not work for you, so again, “Ask God for help”! It will be tailor made for you and your lifestyle.
What I gained from God that has helped me is, eat when you are hungry, not because the food is there; and always keep water with you, and a piece of fruit for those out of the way trips that get you off schedule. IT WORKS!  

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