Saturday, August 1, 2015

Beauty Starts Within!

I have vivid memories of my short-lived college semester at Indiana State University in 1979/80 school year (smile) of an experience that changed how I view others.

I lived on the fifth floor of a co-ed dorm and one day after class, me and my roommate arrived at the elevator at the same time. When the elevator came down to the first floor, a very tall young lady was already on there going up. My roommate looked at me and whispered, "Be careful of her she is really mean". So I asked her, "How do you know. Has she been mean to you"? She quickly said, "No, but other people have said so and she never smiles at anyone, she just gives them mean looks". So we got off on our floor and as we were getting off, I glanced back at her one more time. She noticed me looking at her and made eye contact; but with no emotion.

She was a very tall slim African American woman, probably about 6 ft or better. On the outside, she had a manly look about her (She reminded me of Sojourner Truth. If anyone knows the history, she was very tall and manly looking woman who is known for her speech on racial inequalities "Ain't I a Woman"? because back then of her height and facial features, they called her a man. However, history tells us that she was a very intelligent and kind woman). 

My actions showed how foolish I was until about 3 weeks after our first encounter, the elevator came down and she was the only one on there. I said, "Hi",  to her as I got on the elevator and she knew what floor I was going to and said in the most friendliest voice, "I pushed floor 5 for you". I thanked her and stood to the back of the elevator. Yep, I am thinking what you are thinking ~ They said she was mean. Well, well, well ~ not at all. We talked while we were riding to our floors.

The elevator came to my floor first and I was actually sad to get off because while we were talking, all of the fear, accusations, and negative view I had of her quickly subsided. She was kind, very intelligent, giving, and had a wonderful sense of humor. Without me saying anything, she mentioned that she knew everyone talked about her; whereas, she couldn't understand why because she does not bother anyone. She said in a soft voice, "I just stay to myself". My heart went out to her, because I could tell she was hurt by it and really wanted friends. On the way to my room, I told myself that I just met the most beautiful woman, whom I judged just like the others from her looks.

Sojourner Truth

When my roommate came in that evening, I told her, "The girl you said was mean, was on the elevator with me today". She gasped and asked if she talked to me. "Yes", I said, "and she is the sweetest girl I have ever met". Whether I convinced her that she was a kind girl or not, I was not going to treat her as though she was a monster, nor was I going to listen to hear say without the facts anymore. Because, I was just as guilty of slander as they were. Of course, out of spreading gossip more than feeling guilty in how she treated the young lady, my roommate told as many girls on campus as she could what was said.

The interesting thing is, I know God allowed that to happen for a reason; and thirty years later this story is being told to those who still look on the outer appearance and not the heart~ just like God told Samuel, when he went to Jesse's house to choose a king!

But the Lord said to Samuel, Look not on his appearance or at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. I Samuel 16:7 AMP

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