Sunday, December 21, 2014

1 + 1 = 1

"I really need to get back in school, but I cannot make up my mind in what field I would like to major in. I know who will have the answer ~ my Mom", the husband says. "Oh OK", the wife says. "I will be glad to help you." The husband responds, "Naw, I'll talk to my Mom about it." 

When we value Mom/Dad’s opinions over our wife’s than we devalue our wife; and again if we value Mom/Dad’s opinion over our husband’s than we devalue our husband.  Mom/Dad, best friend, girlfriend, etc. are not who you need to confide in for answers to decisions in your marriage ~ or your personal business.

How about existing burdens that was in place before he/she made the commitment to marry; such as child support, student loans, back taxes, credit card bills, etc. Nope, when you marry, again, you become one, and everything is the responsibility of the husband and wife. So if you feel you do not want to enter into a union that has baggage, then remember to do your homework first. If you truly love this person, then pull your sleeves up and get prepared to move mountains ~ together!

It’s not a deal breaker, it’s your attitude towards it. Don’t get married if you are not mature enough to understand we are not perfect and your spouse will not be perfect either; so focus on the good in them and you won’t notice the bad.

It’s not a game nor is it something we can get in and out of with ease - - - - like changing our clothes. We tell ourselves, “No I don’t like this one, so I’ll get rid of him/her and take the next best thing!” Not a good idea; and it shows your character. Some of us are not aware we have insecurities and some are; whatever the case, commit to something and the first thing to commit to is Jesus Christ. He loves us perfectly and when we seek Him daily for His love; then we are able to love our spouses the way He loves us. It’s a win-win situation.

Marriage is not a thing of the past. We need the husband and wife relationship back into our culture; and our children, who will become the leaders of this world, do too! 
But from the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave [behind] his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and cleave closely to her permanentlyAnd the two shall become one flesh, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has united (joined together), let not man separate or divide. Mark 10:6-9 AMP

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