Monday, June 19, 2023

Happy Juneteenth Day

There are many misconceptions of slavery in the Bible and this is where many people go wrong. They take out what they want to believe and omit what is truth. That’s why is is important to read the Bible, pray and get your wisdom from God who gives it generously and accurately of what His word means. 

Let’s start off with Genesis 15:13 Amplified Version: 

13 And [God] said to Abram, Know positively that your descendants will be strangers dwelling as temporary residents in a land that is not theirs [Egypt], and they will be slaves there and will be afflicted and oppressed for 400 years - which was fulfilled in Exodus 12:40-51. Remember God said, “Let my people go”. And when Pharaoh didn’t, God pored out His Judgement on him and his people the Egyptians. 

Also recall Jesus was afflicted and oppressed by those who were in opposition to God. Isaiah 53:7-8, Matthew 27:11-14, Mark 15:1-5, Luke23:9-12, John 18:1-3)

Being afflicted and oppressed is a sin

Isaiah 1:16-17 (AMPC) 

16 Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes! Cease to do evil,

17 Learn to do right! Seek justice, relieve the oppressed, and correct the oppressor. Defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.

There are many translations of the Bible; however they are one in the same. Some Bible translations say Bond Servants, others say Slaves. Now Bond Servants in the Bible translates Human nobility. Being God’s servant is an honorable position, which is usually prophets and priests. Someone who is absolutely devoted to Jesus. In II Timothy 6:2 speaks about those who have believing Masters should not disrespect or be scornful to them, instead teach and urge them because we all brothers in Christ. Again Master (leader) slave (servant). Now our Master is Jesus Christ and we are all His bond servants to those who believe. 

As we March on to and in the presence of God, remember your circumcision is in your heart to follow after Jesus and bring about change so we all unite as brothers and sisters in Christ (The Anointed One) in Love. Love covers a multitude of sins so that ALL are treated fairly and just. 

Happy Juneteenth Day!  Love you All in Christ Jesus! 

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