Monday, May 8, 2017

Here We Go Again!

There is not much many of us know about the Zika Virus, other than it is transmitted by an infected mosquito carrying the virus. This virus can also be transmitted through sex, blood transfusions, and animals. It is primarily affecting the fetus of a pregnant woman that causes the brain to stop developing as well as the head. Whereas, the baby's head is considerably smaller than the rest of it's body, causing it to be deformed! We also know there is no cure for it at the moment either.

I'm sure many are thinking, “God why is this happening?” The first thing that came to my mind is, “God is telling us something and we are NOT listening”! Sex has become a pandemic in this world; whereas, people are having too many sex partners and feel it's something to brag about. Men are fathering children through sex, but not actually being a father; and women are having babies by at least four to five different men and are not married to none of them. Pornography is over a million dollar business at the expense of young women and men being chained and beaten to perform sexual activity that numerous people are supporting the industry by purchasing the magazines, videos, and tapes. I know this is infuriating many who are reading this, but before you become outraged, begin a Bible study and a relationship with God to understand His hurt and pain by our bad behavior. Sex was created by God to be pleasurable and powerful between a husband and wife. But the thief (Satan) comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10)

Anything God creates for our pleasure, Satan steps in, deceives us, and causes destruction. Yes, I'm talking about the Zika virus, but when I saw sex as a way of transmitting the disease, and you have to have sex to become pregnant, it sparked a big “SIGH” in me! We as a “human race” are still going around this mountain of affliction; and have NOT understood why we are in this circle of affliction and bondage to diseases that keeps them awake at night wondering if they will catch something by being sexually active to many partners! When you are sexually active to only “one” partner throughout your lifetime, you have pleasure, peace, and health that is placed upon you and your household by God! His blessings are forevermore and through eternity!

The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,
which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.
But the way of the wicked is like total darkness.
They have no idea what they are stumbling over.
My child, pay attention to what I say.
Listen carefully to my words.
Don’t lose sight of them.
Let them penetrate deep into your heart,
for they bring life to those who find them,
and healing to their whole body.
Guard your heart above all else,
for it determines the course of your life.
Avoid all perverse talk;
stay away from corrupt speech.
Look straight ahead,
and fix your eyes on what lies before you.
Mark out a straight path for your feet;
stay on the safe path.
Don’t get sidetracked;
keep your feet from following evil. (Proverbs 4:18-27 NLT)

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