Thursday, November 17, 2016

Words Start Wars!

Father, Thank You we are lifting up those close to us with our words; instead of tearing them down! Words are powerful; whereas, they can ignite conflict or compliment and value the good in others!

God, you alone, focus on “good” in ALL of us and know our hearts, so that all darkness will be exposed by Your light! Thank You!

Your endless love will transform anyone; so I pray that all of us who are tempted to lash out at a loved one, a friend, a co-worker, in anger, to look up to you in prayer so the right words are spoken to keep peace, unity and sobriety in the environment. In the midst of storms, if we look to the left or to the right (seeking others for advice) we will be consumed by the waves (The conflict will spiral out of control)! It's so import to be prayerful in ALL situations and let “You” God handle them!
“Behold, I have created the blacksmith
Who blows the coals in the fire,
Who brings forth an instrument for his work;
And I have created the spoiler to destroy.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment, You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord. (Isaiah 54:16-17 NKJV)

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