Monday, October 24, 2016

Itr's the Simple Things!

You do not have to spend a fortune on your children to keep them happy and entertained! Yes I am a Mother and Grandmother and I have witnessed parents today who invest in things that truly do not hold their value, the child's interest very long; and severs the parent/child relationship. Purchasing expensive toys does not prove anything except raising a child who will soon become selfish, demanding and self-centered. Your child will not fall apart if you put your foot down and tell them "no"; and neither will you!

He who spares his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him promptly. (Proverbs 13:24 NKJV)

There are numerous things you can do at home with your child that is creative and fun. Children love a challenge and one of the most practical things to do at home (if space allows) is to set up a card table with a puzzle that is beyond their age level. When they come to you and say they are bored, steer them towards the puzzle and watch a very determined child, determined to figure out how to put that puzzle together (They will sit there for hours doing it also)!

Replace soda pop with a healthy Slushy! I remember one of my Great Aunts would put ice and 100% orange juice in a blender and make Orange Juice Slushies during hot summer days! We loved them! You can use fruit juices, water enhancers, etc. Again be creative! Create a scavenger hunt in the house using index cards with clues that are a combination of math and word definitions! Again, learning as well as having fun! I created a scavenger hunt, years ago, during Sunday school class. I had the class locate scripture in the bible; whereas, I didn't put what book the scripture was located; and used scripture as clues to locate specific leaves, stones, and flowers outside. They met the challenge and exceeded my expectations (I’m glad to know they were paying close attention in class), and wanted to do it again the next Sunday!

                                                                               Homemade watermelon slushy!

It's the simple things that intrigue a child! Winter is coming and the cold weather does not permit anyone to stay out for long hours and be adventurous; so think outside the box. If you do purchase a Wii or X Box, limit their time on it, so they can do other things that involve movement, and exercising the brain. 

Reading an appropriate book of interest is a very good exercise for the brain and comes highly recommended. Reading was mandatory for both of my children, at grade school level. They had one hour before bed to read a book or magazine to wind down. (Set aside a time that is good for your household) Have your child get in the habit of carrying a book with them when they know they are going somewhere with a long wait - such as the doctor's office too!

My son loved sports as a young child and still does, so my sister subscribed him to Children’s Sports Illustrated and he would read it from cover to cover. Even reading magazines broadened his vocabulary, as well as learning geography! Yes, he knew almost all of the 50 state capitals by associating them with the state of the ball team! Hey, he was reading, and often! My daughter loved to read and still does also; but she enjoys all types of books. 

Both of my children were and still are very intelligent; however, if they are inquisitive about something they do not know, I remind them to go to the library – and they do frequent it often. I'm saddened that many do not gravitate towards the library as often as they used to!

In addition, establish your own family traditions! I have adult children now in their thirties (with children), and they had chores, we created fun things to do, and we ate as a family at home except on Fridays. Friday was our day to dress up and go to a sit down restaurant so they could learn proper dinner etiquette.

Saving money is good, but building relationships with your children, teaching them how to create, challenge their intellect, and exercise the brain, develops a successful child! It’s an investment you will get a return on! 

                                           Math puzzle with answers!

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