Sunday, July 3, 2022

Children are God’s blessings

My Grandson
 Picture courtesy of Tara Photography 

 Proverbs 22:6 AMP

Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents],
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

This Bible verse is so powerful and filled with words that are powerful - Teach, God’s Wisdom, God’s will. 

When you wake up in the morning, do you start your day with getting high on drugs or alcohol or other things, or do you send yourself and your children off each day with prayer?  

Granddaughter & Grandson
A gift from God.

Now, what I hear from others is “keep it real”. Well I am keeping it real. This is information I hear from people first hand of how their parents would begin their day. 

The former things cost money, over time destroy the mind, body and soul; and the latter, is free and gives life, healing, health, happiness, and joy. 

In America, we over eat, over work, overspend, and do not get enough rest. 

Being too busy is not good. Actually, it is Satan’s way of keeping you from spending time with God, so that you are tiring yourself out to the point of frustration and discontentment - which leads to unrest, chaos, being unorganized, and backed up on what is really important in life - which is  having a relationship with Jesus. 

Son & Grandson
Picture  courtesy of Tara Photography

Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 AMPC 

1 Keep your foot [give your mind to what you are doing] when you go [as Jacob to sacred Bethel] to the house of God. For to draw near to hear and obey is better than to give the sacrifice of fools [carelessly, irreverently] too ignorant to know that they are doing evil.

Be not rash with your mouth, and let not your heart be hasty to utter a word before God. For God is in heaven, and you are on earth; therefore let your words be few.

For a dream comes with much business and painful effort, and a fool’s voice with many words.

Just being at home and teaching your children to make their beds, how to change their sheets weekly, how to wash dishes, dry them and put them away - all the while you are teaching in love, not making the atmosphere like they are prisoners of war. There is so much wealth children can learn from you, how to communicate, building healthy relationships, patience, appreciating the things God has blessed them to have and how to take good care of them, as well as being productive at home actually increases creativity- which leads to success in life. 

Niece expecting in 2020
Picture courtesy of Tara Photogtaphy

We walk daily through the door that God opens for us and are not grateful and thankful for His blessings. I explained to my children a few years ago that when you hold the door open for someone and they don’t even say “thank you”, it makes you mad. Well that’s what we all do to God everyday, who feel they are entitled to neglect their house, and everything in it - and may I add, complain about taking care of what you are blessed with - which is your rightful duty to teach your Children about God because they are His blessing to you. 

Is everyone helping do laundry? Do your children know how to fold clothes and properly put them away? Do you eat as a family at least two meals a day? Do you make time to read the Bible together? If you answered no to most of these questions then truly get in the word yourself and let God lead and guide you daily in a life that is filled with good. 

Granddaughter and Grandson
Picture Courtesy of Tara photography 

We are not smarter than God nor do we know in what direction to turn most of the time anyway. Let your life be filled with light (Jesus) not dark (Satan) so when your children do step off temporarily into things that can destroy them, or take a detour, it won’t last long; and there will be some who will not steer off at all. So don’t underestimate God and His love for you. 

*****I would like to add, God doesn’t look at your past failures, mistakes, or anything that you feel is too bad for God to love you. He already loves you perfectly, and forgives you. His love never fails or never disappoints. *****

It All Began Thousands of Years Ago!